
A list of available settings to customize django-raster’s behavior.

Asynchronous raster parsing

Determines whether to use celery tasks for parsing raster layers. It is highly recommended to configure celery, as raster parsing can take quite a while and the parsing through normal web requests will often timed out, even for medium sized raster.


Parser working directory

Use this to specify a custom working directory used by the django-raster package when parsing raster files. This is where intermediate files are stored. Defaults to the normal temporary directory of the machine.


All in one parse task

For some applications where the size of the rasters is small, the distributed raster parsing might have more overhead than gain. The distributed parsing can be disactivated with the following setting. If it is set to True, rasters are parsed in single celery tasks.


Parse Batch Size

During parsing of a raster, tiles are written to the database in batches, using the bulk_create method. The size of each batch in the loop can be controlled by using the setting below. Defaults to 500 tiles.